Click here to view this email as a web page. The upcoming joyous holiday season will not be so joyous for many. For those with even mild depression the extra burden of being overweight during this time of year only makes things worse. Weight No MoreSM Diet Center has a lot of experience working with overweight clients who suffer from depression, and we know that reducing weight also reduces levels of anxiety and stress. Eating correctly improves body chemistry, which helps to lift one's mood and make a person feel better. We see this all the time. For those who have always used food as a comfort, we teach how to choose better comfort foods, which won't leave them feeling deprived or guilty. Our clients who suffer from depression lose significant amounts of weight for the first time in their lives ... and, as a result, have anti- depressant meds lowered.~ Lori Boxer So ... what are YOU having? The mental thought patterns that causethe most dis-ease in the body areCRITICISM, ANGER, RESENTMENT and GUILT.~ Albert Einstein Plan To Be A Slim Seasoned CitizenIf you are an overweight or obese seasoned citizen, how does carrying around excess fat affect your life?Motivation: A 12-Tip ProgramYou need to keep your level of motivation high not just at the beginning of your weight loss journey, but throughout.Pay Kids to Eat Veggies? Junk Science!Want kids to eat more fruits and vegetables? One study says to show them the money. What's next? Paying your kids to go to school? Basic LifestyleCauliflower with Paprika-Garlic SauceIntermediate LifestyleBroiled Salmon with Sweet-N-Sour CucumbersAdvanced LifestyleChinese Shoestring SoupFinal LifestylePan-Seared Tuna with Olive-Wine SauceStabilization & MaintenancePortobello Mushroom Caps If you haven't checked out my Fat ChatSM podcasts yet, please do. I'm having a helluva lot of fun doing them, and getting great feedback. Over the last month, I released the following weekly episodes: Healthy Eating for Healthy Weight Loss, Are You REALLY Hungry?, Cheating Is Bad; Planning To Indulge Is Good, and The Three Legged Stool Rule. Give 'em a listen, and share with your friends. Where does body fat go when you lose weight? Sharing some good articles I've come across over the last month: Here's how staying at a healthy weight helps to prolong life. Research also shows that people with elevated blood sugar look older than they are. 7 Habits That Can Be Wrecking Your Diet Trying to lose weight but the scale won't budge? You may want to evaluate your eating habits. 3 Vital Steps for Setting Your Mind to Lose Weight There comes a moment in every successful weight loss loser's life where they make that vital decision to finally do something about their weight. So, Ladies ... I ask you: Is your man Good or Smart? Click here to avoid receiving future emails from us.