Click here to view this email as a web page. Wow! Weight*No*MoreSM Diet Center helped our clients lose 703 pounds this year! We feel awesome about that! We also feel pretty awesome about how our Skinny SkypeSM weight loss services for distance clients continue to reach more people who need us. If you have friends, family members or colleagues who need to lose weight, send them to our Skinny SkypeSM landing page for more information. The Easter and Passover holidays will soon be upon us. Our holidays menus, and the recipes that go with them, will be posted at our web site in the next couple of weeks. To all our clients: Stay focused people! The Easter/Passover holidays are the gateway to the spring and summer, and warmer weather is not far away. You'll be so pleased with all the hard work you put into your weight loss efforts over the cold winter months. Did we leave out your excuse? Obstacles are those frightful things you seewhen you take your eyes off your goal!~ Henry Ford The Female Gain Game Ever ask yourself, "Why is it that my girlfriend can eat whatever she wants and never gains weight?" Obesity-Cholesterol-Alzheimer's Connection If you're overweight or obese, chances are you have high levels of 'bad' cholesterol. Here's something to think about. Effects of Drug and Alcohol Use on Weight Change recently engaged with health researcher Dr. Karen Vieira, PhD MSM, a research scientist in Biomedical Sciences, to create a comprehensive resource on the implications, contraindications and the latest research regarding substance abuse and weight. An Outreach Coordinator with reached out to us and asked if we would share this report as a public service, and of course we were happy to oblige. The Comprehensive, Evidence-based Guide to Effects of Drugs and Alcohol on Weight Gain or Loss is an outstanding easy read. Basic Lifestyle Joy's Chicken Chow Mein Intermediate Lifestyle Raspberry Asparagus Advanced Lifestyle Pork Tenderloin with Olive-Mustard Tepenade Final Lifestyle Greek Pita Pizza Stabilization & Maintenance Tangy Two Rice Salad Did you know that 1 out of 100 Americans have celiac disease and that most of them don't know they have it?! There are also people who don't have celiac and still can't tolerate gluten. Unfortunately, many gluten-free products are way higher in calories and sugars, than their gluten form. Slim people diagnosed with celiac oftentimes start putting on weight when they start eating gluten-free. Overweight people diagnosed with celiac oftentimes gain more weight. And both often feel helpless having to make drastic changes to their eating habits for the first time in their lives, different from the rest of their household. It is possible to eat right, eat well and enjoy it and lose weight with celiac. Weight*No*MoreSM Diet Center guides our celiac clients most effectively and successfully. A Life Apart: The Toll of Obesity This heartbreaking photo series reveals the true toll obesity can take on a family. The Fat Girls' Diet A magazine ad from 1959. Just what they needed in those days: A diet for every insecurity! Everything you always wanted to know about steak but were afraid to ask! Ever walk into a fancy steak joint thinking that you want to have a big piece of steak, but when the waiter hands you the menu you get confused with all the available steak cuts? The graphic should help you a little but to really understand steaks and cuts you need to know what marbling means, as well as the various levels of 'doneness.' In this great read, Know Your Food: Steaks, Executive Chef Derrick Poh of the famous Morton's Steakhouse, takes us to 'steak school' and educates us on everything steak! Click here to avoid receiving future emails from us.