Weight★No★More​℠ Diet Center – Diary Form


Morning Weight:


Time of Day:


Food Item:

# Servings or # Fats calories:

Food Group:

Name: Morning Weight:

Click here to send yourself a copy of your diary.

Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center is pleased to offer this custom electronic diary form to facilitate our clients’ daily/weekly menu planning, as well as to work efficiently with our distance clients.


Fill out only one food item at a time even if you are planning multiple food items for the same time. In that case, make sure to enter the same time for each food item one at a time.


👉 Plan Dinner first (1)

👉 then evening Snack (2)

👉 then Breakfast (3)

👉 then Lunch (4)

👉 then your mid-morning (5)

👉 and afternoon Snacks (6 and, if applicable, 7)


Be specific with Quantity (Measurement). For example, don’t write “salad.” Write: 2 cups leafy greens. Don’t write Flounder. Write: 5 oz. flounder; or 4 oz. steak; or 1 cup beans. 


Enter #Servings and #Fat calories as follows:


👉 #Servings must be entered as decimals. For example: .5 or 1 or 1.5, etc.

👉 #Fat calories must be entered as number of calories per servings.


✅ After you select the Food Group category for each food item, select ENTER.


✅ To edit an entry, select EDIT at the end of the row for that entry.


✅ Use the CLEAR PAGE option if you want to create a new day or to clear all the data on the page to begin again.


✅ To plan multiple days consecutively, after you plan one day, to begin the next day’s menu update the DATE box, and your next entry will begin a new day.


✅ If you are logged in, our diary will be saved automatically and retrievable the next time you log in.