The Real Deal on the Digestive System

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center

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You had a bad Saturday night; you fell off your diet.


You weigh yourself Sunday morning. No gain.


You look to the heavens and praise the Lord and vow to get right back on track.


Sunday is perfect: the right food, the right portions. Lots of water.


You weigh yourself Monday morning.


Whoops . . . there it is! You’re up 2 pounds.


“How could that be?”


I hear this often in my office, which is why I frequently have “the digestion talk” with clients, namely, that it takes 24 to 72 hours for what you eat to move through your digestive tract. And there are variables: the amount and types of food you eat; age; the state of your metabolism; the amount of excess fat you have, health or digestive issues . . . could slow down or speed up the process.


I tell everyone to keep the following in mind:


✅ The waste removal they may have in the morning is 𝗻𝗼𝘁 necessarily everything they had for dinner the previous evening (and often isn’t);


✅ When they get on the scale in the morning, the result they see is a reaction to what they did 2 to 3 days 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬! — and not necessarily (and often isn’t) to what they ate the previous day! I created this document to provide to clients; it explains the five parts of the digestive process.


I created this document to provide to clients; it explains the five parts of the digestive process.

Reference--Handout--Digestion 2023

Slimcerely yours℠,

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