The Policies


Within 3 days of receiving a sales receipt, I must receive a signed and dated written notice of cancellation, and all original paperwork must be returned. After 3 days of receiving a sales receipt, no refunds will be given. There will also be no return to the program at any later date.


Please think long and hard before enrolling in this program because there will be no refunds beyond a 3-day cancellation notice. This program is not for those who want to try it for a couple of weeks to see if they like it before moving on to the next shtick. This is not a quick fix; this is for the long haul. The money you spend for this program is an investment in yourself; it’s a commitment to yourself to change your behavior, to change your habits, to change your body . . . to achieve your long-term, healthy, sustainable, success!



Refunds are made within 30 days and will exclude the consultation, enrollment and credit card convenience fees as well as any used service weeks.



Weeks of service may not be transferred to anyone. Use them or lose them.




General purpose – A client may put unused paid weeks on hold one time during their program for up to three month (90 days) from their last date of service, after which unused weeks are forfeited, and re-enrollment and purchase of a new program will be required.


Pregnancy – If a client becomes pregnant during the weight loss process, she can either (a) put her remaining paid weeks towards a pregnancy program; or (b) she can put those remaining paid weeks on hold for up to 6 months after delivery for post-pregnancy weight loss, after which those unused weeks are forfeited, and re-enrollment and purchase of a new program will be required.


Medical – If a client is diagnosed with a serious medical issue requiring surgery, post-op physical therapy, and/or chemo/radiation, they may put unused paid weeks on hold for up to 6 months from their last date of service, after which unused weeks are forfeited, and re-enrollment and purchase of a new program will be required.


Study-abroad – If a client gets accepted into a study-abroad program during the weight loss process and chooses not to continue in the “distance mode” at that time, they may put unused paid weeks on hold for up to 6 months from their last date of service, after which unused weeks are forfeited, and re-enrollment and purchase of a new program will be required.



Lateness to appointments not only affects my schedule but my ability to properly service clients. I cannot allow a client’s lateness to affect the time allotted for my next client. If a client arrives late, their allotted time will be shorter. If a client begins to show a pattern of chronic lateness, I will ask them to reach out to me the day before or the day of when they know they can make and keep an appointment. In that case, I will do my best to accommodate them.



A no-show = a deduction of 1 paid week of service, excluding emergencies and unforeseen circumstances. A “no-show” refers to both in-office and phone appointments.*


*On the days we have scheduled phone appointments with distance clients, it is our responsibility to call you, and it is your responsibility to email us in the morning — regardless of what time the scheduled appointment might be that day or evening — with your morning weight and menu plan for that day. We need time to look through many similar emails to make notes of things we see that we want to discuss or have questions about, and to provide suggestions and guidance. We must be prepared for these meetings, and we cannot do this by receiving an email 5 minutes prior to the scheduled phone appointment or not receiving the email at all.
I realize a client might forget or be late in sending these emails the first two or three appointments, but after that, the procedure will be: No email from you, no call from me = a no-show . . . a deduction of one paid week of service.



Paperwork I distribute, information I disclose or attach to emails is proprietary and/or legally privileged. Any unauthorized use copying, printing, forwarding, sharing, selling or other distribution is a violation of copyright laws and will be pursued.