The Phone Call

No One Can Do It for You, but You Can’t Do It Alone


As with conquering any addiction or changing any bad habit, the journey to lifestyle change and weight loss is a three-step approach:


✅ Acknowledge the need to do so.

👉🏻 How many times have you tried everything else, and more than once?


👉🏻 What problem(s) disturbs you every day that I will be able to help solve?


✅ Accept that you can’t do it alone.

👉🏻 You need discipline, guidance, structure and accountability.

✅ Reach out to me for help.

👉🏻 You’ll be healthier, happier and more energetic, and have the best chance to never regain your weight, by going through this program.



At WeightNoMoreSM Diet Center, my relationship with clients begins with the first phone call to you after receiving a Consult Questionnaire. I am a seasoned woman with the wisdom of age and life’s experiences and challenges, so I understand the emotions that lead up to someone reaching out to me. In a personable and informative manner, I strive, right from that first contact, to begin to earn your trust and respect.