The Difference There’s a reason Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center has never done paid advertising: It never had to! All clients, both local and long-distance, are word-of-mouth referrals from other clients, personal trainers, physical therapists, mental health professionals and physicians of every discipline. They know the distinctions between this program . . . and everyone else. Other weight loss programs are often large, national or multinational corporations. Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center is a small, family-owned business, with a significant personal commitment my clients’ success. Other weight loss programs make money from selling packaged food products, diet drinks or shakes, pills or injections. I don’t sell anything. Other weight loss programs show clients how to diet with cheesecake and pizza, shakes, bars and pills, counting calories or points. I teach clients how to change their lifestyles by making better decisions in a healthy, balanced way from each of the food groups, using their own food that they buy in the supermarket. Other weight loss programs and practitioners distribute paper to read and decipher, giving clients daily nutrient percentages to figure out and achieve on their own. I work with clients individually at each stage of their program — weight loss, stabilization and maintenance — to help plan personal daily menus. Taking into account work, travel, school or social schedules and major national and religious holidays, and the wide range of ages and medical issues or health conditions (including pregnant and nursing mothers), I will generate customized eating plans, including what to eat, how much to eat, and what time to eat, as well as provide cooking tips and recipes. Other weight loss programs do not service teens. I do, and I do not just include the teenager in the process, I make sure that teens “own it” — they have to take responsibility for their own well-being and to achieve success and, therefore, I work with them directly — not through a parent. Other weight loss programs too often set goal weights that are easy to reach but impossible to maintain. I set goal weights I know a client must achieve in order to maintain within 3-5 pounds during the Stabilization and Maintenance process. Other weight loss programs often have coaches who are overweight. Over almost 30 years, everyone who has worked for this business has been slim and fit (and almost always a former client; and if they weren’t, they went through the program from beginning to end). I am slim and fit and healthy. I practice what I preach. I walk the talk. I guide clients to get slim in the manner in which I stay slim. Other weight loss programs are group centered. I see clients only in private, one-on-one. I get to know them very well, in a comfortable, private environment where they can speak openly about personal and/or medical issues with 100% certainty of confidentiality. Other weight loss programs do not have the experience to service clients outside of the office setting. This program has serviced clients nationwide, in Canada, in the UK, and in Israel for over two decades, long before Skype, Zoom and other virtual options became a thing. Other weight loss programs are available to clients during business hours only. All clients have cell phone access to me at any time for any reason. Other weight loss programs are in the business of selling. Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center is in the business of serving. It’s never about making a sale; it’s always about starting a relationship. I also help clients create a personal organizing planner to time-block must-do tasks, chores and appointments. Too many people get fat (and stay fat) because of clutter and chaos and disorganization in their lives. Weight★No★MoreSM Diet Center offers clients a first class, personalized weight loss and lifestyle coaching service, going above and beyond to help people. I have been in business for a very long time, not because I tell clients what’s good for them and what’s bad for them; they already know that. Rather, with discipline, guidance, structure and accountability, I teach clients what to eat, how much and when, and why those factors are the keys to metabolism, blood sugar maintenance, proper hydration, hormonal balance and healthy long-lasting weight loss. Don’t wait until you’re “ready.” We are never “ready” to begin a journey that we wish we didn’t have to take. You’ve got to start before you’re “ready.” If you know the path you are on is the wrong one, make a right turn and reach out to us. All you need to complete the journey successfully is discipline, guidance, structure and accountability — and no one does that better than I do! Lori Boxer“You are what you eat,So don’t be fast, easy fake or cheap!”