Everyone (regardless of age, gender, medical issues) who reaches out to me has problems and challenges that I can easily show how to fix and help solve with my eyes closed. But my ideal clients are those who:
1. Are not penny-wise and dollar foolish.
There are certainly diets you can definitely do cheap (and fast) in the short-term . . . and then cheap (and fast) again and again and again. So, “cheap” becomes very expensive over time, and “fast” actually becomes “never”.
Good service ain’t cheap . . . and cheap service ain’t good! If your main concern is how much money you’ll be spending, you’re not the right client for me.
2. Are not looking for quick and easy.
There are no short cuts to any place worth going, and no easy paths on the road to change. There are, however, enough drive-through weight-loss programs to choose from, all vying for the next sucker to whom they can sell the same bridge. That’s not me.
3. Are truly sick and tired.
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired . . . and of being overweight or obese? If you’re not, chances are you’re also not going to be eager and willing to do the hard work of learning how to get and stay slim, in which case you’re not the right client for me.
4. Are accepting of the amount of weight they need to lose.
How many more times in your life do you want to lose “almost” all of the weight you need to lose?
I do understand that sometimes people cannot see themselves at a weight I set, but I see it, and I have been doing this successfully for a very long time. My job is not to get you to a weight that you want to be if that weight is still overweight; it’s not to get you to the “slimmest I’ve ever been” if that is still overweight. My job is to get you to the weight I know you must be — so I can put you through stabilization and maintenance programs to give you the best chance of never being overweight again. If you have 50 pounds to lose but only want to lose 30, this is not the program for you.
5. Are not scale-obsessed.
If your sole objective is to transform your body into a skinnier pair of jeans (“outcome goals”), and to hell with how you get there (“process goals”), you’re not the right client for me.
6. Are able to handle the truth.
I don’t sugar-coat stuff. I tell it like it is, and sometimes what “is” isn’t what you want to hear. The process of changing one’s eating and lifestyle habits must include the process of owning up to why you are where you are, taking responsibility for your actions, and taking the “victim” and “blame” cards out of your deck. Both those cards don’t “play” well with me. And if you can’t handle hearing “Cut the crap” when it’s relevant, you’re not the right client for me.
7. Are not close-minded.
My experience is that those who think they “know it all” when it comes to weight loss simply because they’ve been dieting forever are also those who are unwilling to be open-minded about a new way of doing things. They’re full of “I can’ts” and “I won’ts” in terms of what they can’t do and/or won’t eat or drink (excluding allergies and medical issues, of course), or won’t give up. They’ll throw the money at me and think that because they “joined” the program, that’s the same as “doing” the program. If this is you, save your money. This is the wrong program for you.
My ideal clients, then, are those who:
See me as a valuable necessity they respect, instead of a necessary evil.
Happily pay me what I am worth . . . because they know I’m worth it.
Appreciate the efforts on their behalf, the tools, resources and accessibility provided along the way, and will tell their friends, peers, and contacts about me.
The most successful clients are those who understand that change is necessary to make progress, and they don’t just want to want change. They really want to change.