
Whether working with clients who have struggled with weight issues all their lives; overweight teens and young adults who face that same prospect; mid-life adults watching weight creep up slowly for the first time; or seniors, whose weight makes them less active and more isolated . . .  we understand that we have the power to change lives, and we take that role seriously.

Watching transformations as clients give up bad habits and take control, seeing weight going down and confidence going up, is such a great experience for us. We thank every client over three decades for the opportunity to serve them. Their words mean more to us than they will ever know. 

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Weight No More Diet Center

I thought I looked pretty good and only needed to lose a few pounds until Lori told me how much I needed to lose, I was in disbelief. I figured that if I got under 200 lbs, that should be good enough, but 170? Get the F out!

Once I started it became a matter of setting mini-goals. First, it was under 200, then 190, then 180, and so forth. Each week, Lori kept me in focus and accountable. I never really thought about getting to 170 at the start. I started out just re-learning how to eat, plan, and not put myself into situations where I could be tempted. To give you an idea, I started on Monday after Thanksgiving! I had to skip a few Christmas parties, and ones I went to, I ended up eating a full meal before I went so I wouldn't be hungry when I got there. It wasn't easy.

However, I went to see my cardiologist in February and got as clean a bill of health as I could have received; it changed everything for me. I can't remember the last time I walked out of a doctor's visit with my head held high!

I am wearing a medium-sized shirt now. I haven't worn a medium-sized shirt since I was in the eighth grade! I couldn't have reached my goal weight without the help of Lori at Weight No More Diet Center.

Weight Loss Programs
Weight No More Diet Center

Dear Lori, hope all is well.

As we approach the Bar Mitzvah this weekend of our youngest son, Asher, I’m reflecting on all the blessings Hashem has showered upon me and feeling so blessed and truly thankful.

One of those blessings is meeting you, Lori, and joining your incredible way of life.

I truly believe that hashem puts special people on this world to help the rest of us go through the journey of life, and you are definitely one of them.

Investing the time to figure out how people can eat healthy, enjoy food, even enjoy sweet food at times, while being able to lose weight or maintain their weight, must have taken so much time and effort. Last night while enjoying a 5oz slice of salmon and a baked potato along with some grilled zucchini, I was so grateful, and thinking this is so satisfying and yummy.

I love all my choices from the food groups, eggs and toast, a slice of salmon and baked potato, a delicious tuna wrap, half a cup of cottage cheese, a cup of grapes, salads, grilled veggies and on and on.

No other diet has this, not close. I lost 30Lb, and I don’t even feel like I’m trying that hard.

So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

And thank you, Hashem, for blessing the world with Lori.

All the best.


Weight Loss Programs
Weight No More Diet Center

I am thrilled with the progress I’ve made so far. Lori holds me accountable as I learn to hold myself accountable for the actions that impact my health.

Weight Loss Programs
Weight No More Diet Center

Working with Lori has been an amazing experience. She has taught me so much about overall health versus just quick weight loss. Even in the not-so-perfect weeks, Lori is a great motivator and helps me get back on track. Her program is easy to follow with the proper planning and prep. I still have more work to do, but I would highly recommend reaching out to Lori if you want to see & feel long term results.

Weight Loss Programs
Weight No More Diet Center

I thought I knew how to lose weight and keep it off from joining Weight Watchers years ago. However, I did not really realize how little I knew about weight loss until I met Lori. She has taught me how important being healthy on the inside is if not more essential than looking good on the outside. Lori’s guidance and dedication to her clients are impeccable.

Weight Loss Programs
Weight No More Diet Center

This program is a game changer. No hidden costs, supplements or meals required. Just planning, preparation and most importantly commitment to yourself and your long-term health. This is not a diet program - it's a lifestyle. I was struggling with hormonal, menopause, lifestyle related weight gain. Exercising 6x per week with no results. Previously I thought I was a healthy eater, but this taught me so much about intentional eating. I was referred to Lori and the pounds melted away - not overnight, but slow, steady, and safely. It's not a quick fix - it really is a life change. Additional benefits include hair and nail growth, great sleep, and overall positive outlook on life - and Lori's no-nonsense approach and life advice is amazing. Even during stressful days by staying on track with my meal plan I feel energized and centered. This program is worth every penny. Trust me - you will be thrilled with the results!!!

Weight Loss Programs
Weight No More Diet Center

Lori is responsible for my life turning around completely. I was and (am her client) through some of the most difficult life events. If not for her, I don't know where I'd be but right now but thankfully, I am in the best place I've possibly ever been.
Following her food plan was the easiest thing I've ever done and I've done it all! All food you find in the supermarket and plenty of it. Never hungry after a meal and enjoyed delicious food. It wasn't so much that I ate different foods, I just ate food differently! I occasionally slipped but Lori kept me getting right back on track. That's never happened to me before. Typically I'd fall and never get up. Thanks to Lori and the accountability she offers (two visits a week). That made all the difference in the world for me.

I am currently 10 pounds UNDER goal. I have never been at this weight for more than a minute and I was probably 11 years old at the time. Now at 74 I am easily the hottest broad in my community 😉

I owe it all to Lori. If you are considering Lori's program, do not hesitate. She is the best!

Weight Loss Programs
Weight No More Diet Center

My husband had such great results with the program that I joined it. I can confidently say that Lori has had an incredible impact on our life. Her guidance and expertise helped us achieve our weight goals, but more importantly, she empowered us to take control of our overall health and well-being.

Throughout the entire process, Lori was always there to support us, motivate us, and celebrate our successes. I truly felt that she cared about our progress and success. We are immensely grateful for her and her positive impact on our family. My daughter is also in the program and is almost at her goal. Thank you, Lori, for everything!

Weight Loss Programs
Weight No More Diet Center

I had the pleasure of working with Lori, and I cannot recommend her highly enough.

With her guidance and expertise, I was able to achieve my weight loss goals and improve my overall health and well-being.

She was professional, supportive, and encouraging throughout the entire process, and I felt like I had a true partner in my journey to better health.

Her customized approach to nutrition and coaching toward healthy eating habits was just what I needed, and I am grateful for all that she has done for me.

If you are looking for a knowledgeable and dedicated coach who truly cares about your success, I highly recommend Lori!

Weight Loss Programs
Weight No More Diet Center

I was in a desperate place New Year's Eve 2022. I saw the pictures from the night of eating and drinking, and broke down. I had been "dieting" and restrictive eating for years and nothing had worked (surprise, surprise). I am an RN and knew the older I got, the harder it would be. I had followed Lori on LinkedIn for 2 years before I found the guts to give her a call. I was scared, fascinated and nervous all at the same time. But I had enough of looking and feeling the way I did, over 45 pounds overweight. I read all the 5 star reviews and decided it was the program for me.

In the last year with Lori, I have lost those 45 pounds. Somewhere along the way, with her expert guidance, sailor-mouth and uncanny ability to always say the right thing, I became another Weight No More Diet Center success. I work with Lori long distance and it's like she is down the street. She is always available to me and never misses an appointment. She is flexible with my schedule which is very helpful. The planning, organization skills and implementation of the plan, are her hallmark tools that have made my weight loss a success. I've had some setbacks and rough patches, but Lori always leads me back to what she taught me and back to the basics. Getting rid of my "fat clothes" was a monumental occasion for me, and I recently ran in a 10K and felt like my feet had wings. Lori helped me to not only lose fat, but a lifetime of bad habits that led me to becoming the woman I was on New Year's Eve 2022. Now because of the professionalism and expertise of Lori Boxer, I have my health, a new rockin' body and my confidence that I CAN lose weight and keep it off. Call Lori today. You will never regret it.

Weight Loss Programs