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Varicose Veins
Published on April 20, 2023
Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center
(c) rob3000 Fotosearch_k18919318
In a slim person, bulging veins are visible on the skin of the calf.
In an obese person, swollen veins are not visible on the skin surface; basically, they’re hiding under layers of fat. This means that the discomfort and heaviness of the legs—symptoms of leaking veins—are initially attributed to the obese person’s weight problem itself rather than the possibility of a varicose vein. Over time, pressure in the leaking veins cause leg ulcerations and only then do many patients go and see a specialist for the first time. So, a slim person with varicose veins will know about that condition early on. An obese person’s varicose veins won’t present themselves until much later when the problem is much worse.
As for dealing with the problem, well . . . it makes sense that the depth of varicose veins in the obese leg makes it more difficult for the surgeon to treat. Minimally invasive laser treatment is much more challenging and uncomfortable if the patient chooses the local anesthetic option. On the other hand, giving overweight patients a general anesthetic carries a much greater risk.
The first step in avoiding varicose veins is prevention: Managing your weight and blood pressure is crucial.
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