Start Before You’re Ready

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center



“Being in the right frame of mind” to lose weight is crap.


It’s not about waiting to get in the right frame of mind or becoming “ready.” In my experience, most won’t.


Instead, they wait for a major event in their life—heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes, etc.—to get a wake-up slap in the face (and I’m amazed at how many people do experience those major events and STILL aren’t “ready”).


These folks are waiting for the God-of-The-Right-Frame-of-Mind to come to them in a vision.


No one is ever “ready” to begin that which they know will be emotionally challenging and sometimes physically and psychologically difficult.


“If we wait for the moment when everything, absolutely everything, is ready . . . we shall never begin.” ~ Ivan Turgenev


No one who has been battling excessive weight and eating issues, who has had no restrictions on what or how much they eat or drink, EVER looks forward to going through the emotional process of diet and lifestyle change. No one. But being fat, unhappy, unhealthy, and uncomfortable, and with the prospects of becoming immobile and dependent on others as you age, should be the catalyst to at least start.


When you know it needs to be done, begin.


Weight loss success is a series of small steps, and you must start before you’re ready.


Which step are you on?