Process vs Outcome Goals

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center



There’s a difference between Process goals and Outcome goals, and nowhere is outcome (the scale) more focused on than process (the system) than when it comes to weight loss. Such is the life of perpetual dieters. I talk about this repeatedly with clients.


If you’re too focused on results. you want to achieve you program yourself into a negative mindset. If you need to lose 50 lbs. and become laser-focused on that number, you subconsciously tell yourself “I won’t be happy until I lose 50 lbs.” You focus on what you don’t have yet, rather than what is 100% in your control to achieve. The 50 lbs. are the outcome goal.


Process goals, on the other hand, are all about doing the right thing, regardless of outcome, knowing that the right activities will lead us to ultimate victory.


The process goal for weight loss is to plan meals and snacks, use portion control, pack the night before what you’ll need the next day, eat every few hours, drink water all day long, and maybe start to get a little exercise into your lives a few days a week.


All that is easily measurable and doable.


You are totally in charge of whether you reach your goal. You will get the results of the actions (the process) you take.