Going On a Diet vs Changing One’s Diet

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center

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The idea of “going on a diet” implies that you will “go off the diet” one day.


Before you begin a weight loss endeavor, before choosing to waste your time and money on a gimmicky, quick-fix program or product, ponder this:


✅ If you can’t see yourself eating that way for the rest of your life, don’t do it.

✅ If you wouldn’t encourage your children to eat in the wacky way you’re about to choose, don’t do it.


“Going on a diet” is not the same thing as “changing one’s diet.”


And there’s only one right, sustainable way to change your diet and lose weight: slowly, over time, and while eating a balanced diet with plenty of healthy foods from all the food groups.


The work to lose weight (and even more work to maintain it!) must be an uncompromising, non-negotiable, everyday thing . . . like brushing your teeth.