Published on September 2, 2024
Have you ever met the person in business who seems to come across an amazing opportunity every two weeks that they simply must chase, yet they have never had any success to date?And we ALL know someone who comes across an amazing, new-and-improved, easy as shit weight loss opportunity every two weeks (or 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑦 week!) that they simply must chase, yet here they are . . . still fat.Not every opportunity is an opportunity, and not every opportunity should be taken.In business, success comes from doing something extremely well and then perhaps adding auxiliary products and services over time.In weight loss, or in fitness in general, success also comes from doing something (one thing) extremely well and then adding other healthy habits into your daily life.If you don’t focus on something for long enough and put in the time and effort to execute it consistently, faithfully, you won’t find success.