Fall Feeding Frenzy

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center

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The fall feeding frenzy began with Jewish holidays in September followed by more Jewish holidays as well as Halloween candy everywhere in October; followed by Thanksgiving last week; and of course, we have Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve on the horizon.

And this is the time of year I implore people to focus on their overweight or obesity.

An attitude of “I’ll wait until after the holidays” gives you an excuse to eat with abandon through weeks of holiday meals and festivities, resulting in feeling of self-condemnation. I have yet to meet a new client in January who did NOT gain more weight during the holiday season, and who wished they had come in a few months’ sooner.

Don’t tell yourself this is the wrong time to begin weight loss . . . again.

Don’t throw caution to the wind and rationalize it with a promise to yourself to start after the holidays or in the new year . . . again.

It is much better to have some discipline, guidance, structure, and accountability throughout the holidays so that you can begin the new year feeling good and in control. If you don’t do it now, you will certainly gain weight over next few weeks, and it 𝑖𝑠 avoidable.

Don’t begin the new year the same way you began the last one and the year before that . . . and the year before that.

Stop weighting.

Start now.