Dreading How Far You Must Go

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center

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Do you need to lose weight but dread the thought of how far you must go to accomplish your goal?


When you think about all you’ll have to do to lose weight, does it paralyze you?


It’s why many procrastinate getting started and why they so often fail.


Day 1 of packing lunch for work instead of ordering in pizza or Chinese take-out is easy. But day 2, day 3? Well, there’s where your mind can start to wander.


You start to think about how you’ll have to:


😯 Pack lunch every day.

😯 Plan meals ahead a few days to do a grocery list.

😯 Go grocery shopping every week.

😭 Give up pizza for the rest of your life.


And then you think, “Do I 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 have the time for this? . . . and with that, comes the spiral.


Stop thinking about how hard it’s going to be tomorrow, next week, next month, next year. Why, you might be stronger and more committed with each passing day!


Instead, when weakness and doubt creep in, ask yourself:


“Can I do it RIGHT NOW?”


“Can I ride out this craving just for THIS moment — THIS hour?”


DON’T think how far, how long — only about how it must be done.


If necessary, crawl through the day by the minute, by the hour—asking yourself, “Can I do it RIGHT NOW?”


Stay present in the moment.


Commit to the hour ahead.