Don’t Complain. Work Harder.

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center



Are you always complaining about your weight but never doing anything about it?

How’s that workin’ out for ya?

Chronic complainers keep the focus on their problem(s) rather than on potential solutions. If you spend too much time complaining, you work yourself into a place of resigned acceptance or of feeling “stuck,” rather than of motivation to change.

And even when advice by others would actually resolve a problem, chronic complainers aren’t especially happy to hear it: Anything that takes away some recognition of their “hardship” is taken by them to be threatening to their identity and even their sense of self. Therefore, they often respond to sound advice either by explaining why someone’s suggestions won’t work for them or by becoming upset with that person that they just don’t understand how unsolvable your problem actually is.

Complaining incessantly to anyone who will listen about how overweight and unhappy you are — while simultaneously wallowing in the negativity for an indefinite period of time, without any desire or interest in solving the problem — should not be an option.

Instead of complaining, choose thoughts and words that will lead you toward a solution, instead of keeping you stuck in the problem.

And, by the way . . . those people you constantly complain to?

Well, unless they’re in the same boat as you (misery loves company, eh?), they’re tired of listening. Believe it.

Don’t be a complainer.

Be an achiever.