Blaming Others for Your Shortcomings

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center

(c) Baz777 Fotosearch_k19028252



Too many people don’t take responsibility for anything, least of all their own weight and health. For them, it’s the fault of:


📌 The food producers
📌 The fast-food restaurants
📌 The advertising community
📌 The media
📌 The government
📌 The fashion industry


And when it comes to their kids’ obesity, parents add to the list:


📌 The electronics manufacturers
📌 The video games industry
📌 The school curriculum


. . . and on and on it goes.


Sorry, folks.


❌ It’s not companies or industries.
❌ Not individual foods or food groups.
❌ Not work stress. Not your kids.


It’s you.


You are to blame. Your choices.


I understand why you do it, however:

Blame is easier than accountability.


Stop playing the blame game. Acknowledge your situation and that you alone can change it.

Being overweight or obese is absolutely, positively reversible!