Big Dieting Mistake: Not Drinking Enough Water!

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center



Not drinking enough water is a big, common dieting mistake.

Water has MAJOR functions in the body, which is why we’re built with so much of it!

If you don’t drink enough to provide for proper body functions, your body takes water from your brain, blood, muscles and bones to store it.

😯 If your brain doesn’t have proper fluid, you get fatigued, have trouble focusing, concentrating, and can become dizzy.

😯 If your blood doesn’t have proper fluid, it becomes thick, and your heart has to work harder to pump. That affects your blood pressure.

😯 If muscles and bones don’t have proper water, you can get terrible cramping.

😯 If your colon becomes dry, you become constipated.

What does this have to do with weight loss?

Even mild dehydration slows the metabolism, which leads to weight gain.

Water weighs . . . a lot! A large bottle of Poland Spring (50.7 fl. oz.) equals 6.5 cups of water; on the scale it weighs 3.5 lbs! If you’re not peeing it out, it shows up on the scale!

Drink water all day to prevent your cells from storing (bloating), to push excess water out. Urination is your body saying, “Thanks, I have enough and I’m releasing the rest.” It might be inconvenient to have to urinate throughout the day, but it’s healthy.