Are You a Sugar Junkie?

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center

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Are you a sugar junkie?

Much like street drugs, sugar triggers the release of chemicals that set off the brain’s pleasure center, in this case opioids and dopamine.

And, as they do with street drugs, people develop a tolerance for sugar—meaning, they need more sugar for a feel-good “fix”.

In rat studies looking at sugar addiction, when animals binge on the sweet stuff, they experience chattering teeth, tremors, shakes, and anxiety when it’s taken away.

Here’s the cycle:

1️⃣ You eat sugar.

You like it, you crave it.
It has addictive properties.

2️⃣ Blood sugar levels spike.

Dopamine is released in the grain = addiction.
Mass insulin secreted to drop blood sugar levels.

3️⃣ Blood sugar levels fall rapidly.

High insulin levels cause immediate fat storage.
Body craves the lost sugar “high”.

4️⃣ Hunger and cravings.

Low blood sugar levels cause increased appetite and cravings.
Thus, the cycle is repeated.

If you’re a sugar junkie, commit to kicking “the habit”.