Published on January 4, 2025
I made the list and checked it twice,Of clients in 2024 who took my advice.The numbers were tallied and look what I found.My program helped clients lose . . .(fat cell drum roll 😊). . . 1,368 pounds!. . . of toxic, inflammatory visceral fat!And that was done as it’s been done for almost 30 years: through the long-term process of educating and helping clients to change deeply ingrained bad habits. By teaching them what to eat, how much and when. By providing them discipline, guidance, structure and accountability all along the way . . . to change behaviors to change habits to change their bodies (and their lives).We’re only 10 weeks away to the first day of Spring (March 20), followed shortly thereafter by Passover (April 13) and Easter (April 20) and, of course, the kickoff to summer, Memorial Day.So, a reminder:Nothing good ever comes from being overweight.So don’t be.Nothing will change unless you do.So, do.As I tell clients all the time:It’s not enough to want change.You have to want to change.Make this new year a SLIM year! What are you weighting for? 🤔
Slimcerely yours℠,