Obesity and Asthma

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center



Not only does being obese put you at an increased risk of developing asthma:


• breathlessness

• chest tightness

• wheezing

• coughing

• sputum (saliva and mucus) production

• airflow obstruction

• hyper-responsiveness of the airways


. . . but once you have it, obesity worsens asthma symptoms over time and makes them more difficult to manage.


✅ Obese asthmatics need more intensive treatments when they are hospitalized.

✅ Inhaled steroids are less effective in controlling asthma than in those with healthy weights.


Also, obese people are more likely to experience acid reflux, which can (and often does) trigger asthma symptoms.


Occasionally a client will mention they feel their asthma isn’t under proper control; they believe they need a stronger inhaler because they’re using it more and more with less effect. In fact, that’s almost always NOT the case.


What 𝑖𝑠 continuing to cause their bouts of shortness of breath is the fat-induced increase in their airway inflammation or lung function, and the best way to feel better isn’t by over-using their inhaler. It’s by losing weight.


If you are an obese asthmatic, weight loss should certainly be a part of your asthma treatment.

Slimcerely yours℠,

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