Liposuction is NOT a Weight Loss Strategy

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center



To anyone who thinks that liposuction is a good weight loss tool, here’s a newsflash: It most certainly is not!


Liposuction is a surgical procedure, requiring some type of anesthesia, whether local or general. There is no such thing as a surgical procedure without risk, and the heavier a person is, the greater the risk.


Please note the following points:


1️⃣ While liposuction doesremove excess subcutaneous fat to improve the contour of the body, it does not impact on weight significantly because the number of pounds of fat that can be removed from the body is minimal: Liposuction does not remove the intra-abdominal toxic visceral and dangerous fat that surrounds the vital organs of your body.


2️⃣ Although there will be no (or fewer) fat cells in the area where the liposuction procedure was focused, and while those areas won’t fill out the same way they used to when the patient gains weight again, the remaining fat cells in the rest of the body will pick up the slack. In other words, post-procedure, as you consume more calories than you spend, your body will store those excess calories as fat in all remaining fat cells throughout your body.


So, picture, if you will, having a flatter, more contoured stomach, and doing nothing to change the way you eat.  As you gain weight, all those excess calories go to bigger thighs, buttocks, breasts and more back-fat . . . but, hey, what does that matter if you still have a contoured stomach, right? 🤪 (Might look something like this 👇.)


Illustration by Jonathan Brown



As with any cosmetic surgical procedure, it’s in your best interests to give the plastic surgeon — the “artist” of the medical profession — the best possible palette with which to work to give you the most beautiful, long-lasting results. The best candidate for liposuction is at or near their ideal body weight, a healthy individual with a good diet and exercise lifestyle who perhaps has a bulge that doesn’t go away in a focused area, despite proper diet and exercise.


There is no easy and permanent means to lose weight other than your personal responsibility and commitment to behavioral modification, including learning what to eat, how much and when; and regular exercise can only enhance those endeavors.  Suctioning out fat does not remove the reasons you gained weight in the first place, and liposuction cannot prevent weight gain.


Liposuction is not a replacement for diet or exercise.


Losing weight with liposuction is a losing proposition. 

Slimcerely yours℠,

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