Dress for Success at Any Size

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center


Too often, I hear from clients: “I don’t want to buy new clothes until I lose weight?” or “I’m waiting to get slim before I spend money on clothes.”


If this is you, I’ll tell you the same thing I tell them: STOP!


It doesn’t work.


Usually, the first instinct may be to hide your body with baggy clothes. This only tends to make a person look larger, feel dowdy, tend to eat more, which of course puts more weight on the body.


The second instinct might be to keep your smaller sized clothes in the closet thinking that those clothes will motivate you to do the work necessary in order to fit back into them. What usually happens, however, is that you feel depressed, fat and ugly because you a have WHOLE LOT of nothing to wear and that makes you eat more!


Or, you’ll continue wearing those too-small clothes, which only draws attention to any bulges you have, making you look bigger.


You don’t have to spend a lot of money. You can get great finds in all sizes at thrift shops in your town or at lower-prized stores such as Walmart, Target and others. Buy things you can belt or take in as you lose weight.



If you’re overweight and have minimal options in your closet right now, go shopping. Pack away or give away anything in your closet that doesn’t fit perfectly and make you feel gorgeous (or handsome) right now!


Obesity is a condition that can of course affect your fashion choices, but no matter your weight, dress your body appropriately. When you wear the right clothing, people will notice your fashion sense over your size.


You CAN look great at any size.

Slimcerely yours℠,

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