What Do You Have for Breakfast?

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center




The issue of what to eat for breakfast comes up a lot in my conversations with clients.


Initially at least, I see people who plan their menus having the exact same breakfast every single morning. And sometimes, it’s not even a good one, a hearty one.


Coffee is not breakfast.

1/2 apple is not breakfast.

A cheese stick is not breakfast.


It’s great to have a favorite breakfast, but you cannot eat the same breakfast every morning for the rest of your life no matter how much, today, you think you can. It’s just not possible. I always encourage people to at least have two (3 is better) breakfasts they can put into rotation.


Since I am often asked, “What do you eat for breakfast?”, I decided to show you exactly how I go about it. High-fiber, low-calorie, low-fat Wasa crispbreads are a staple; I always include a fruit or a vegetable serving; and I always plan my breakfasts in a rotation, rarely having the same breakfast two days in a row.


These are my 9 breakfast choices:


2 Wasa “Light Rye” Crispbreads
2 slices Sargento’s Thin Colby Jack cheese
2 sliced hard boiled eggs
1 cup honeydew

1 P, 1 FR, 1 M, ½ G



1 can Oscar’s Spanish Style Sardines
1 cup sliced cucumbers
8 Kellogg’s Multigrain Club Crackers

1 P, 1 V, 1 G



2 Wasa “Light Rye” Crispbreads
1 TB Hellman’s Lite Mayo
2 oz sliced low-sodium turkey
2 slices Sargento’s Thin Colby Jack cheese slices
1 small tomato
1 cup cantaloupe and honeydew
½ P, 1 V, 1 FR, 1 M, 1/2 G, FT 35 cal



2 Wasa “Light Rye” Crispbreads
2 oz. herring
2 TBS onion garnish
1 cup cherries

½ P, ½ V, 1 FR, ½ G



2 Wasa “Light Rye” Crispbreads
1 Breakstone’s 4% Cottage Cheese snack-pack
1 cup cantaloupe and honeydew

1 FR, 1 M, ½ G



2 Wasa “Light Rye” Crispbreads
3 oz. can Genova Yellowfin Tuna
1 hard-boiled egg
1 cup sliced cucumbers

1 P, 1 V, ½ G



2 Wasa “Light Rye” Crispbreads
2 TBS Philadelphia Onion & Chives Cream Cheese
2 oz. lox
1 cup cantaloupe and honeydew

1/2 P, 1 FR, 1/2 M, 1/2 G, FT 35 cal.



⁣2 Wasa “Light Rye” Crispbreads
1 TBS Hellman’s Lite Mayo
2 slices Sargento’s Muenster cheese
1 sliced tomato
1 hard-boiled egg

1/2 P, 1 V, 2 M, 1/2 G, FT 35 cal.



⁣2 Wasa “Light Rye” Crispbreads
1 can Swanson White Premium Chicken Breast
1 TBS Hellman’s Lite Mayo
1 hard-boiled egg
1 medium cucumber

1 1/2 P, 1 V, 1/2 G, FT 35 cal.


Another breakfast that I have from time to time, but enjoy more as evening snack is:


Chobani 0% Sugar Vanilla
¾ cup Fiber One cereal
1 medium Fuji apple, skinned, chopped

1 FR, ½ M, 1 G

A good day starts with a good breakfast.

Slimcerely yours℠,

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