250 vs 120

Lori Boxer
Weight★No★More℠ Diet Center


The difference between a 250- and 120-pound person might be very obvious on the outside, but this body scan comparison clearly shows the distinctions between these two women.

In my office, at every consultation, I explain the above in great detail. And VERY frequently, that person will tell me:


“I wish one of my doctors would have shown me something like this about 50 pounds ago.”


Folks, even if you’re overweight by “just” 10 pounds of that yellow stuff, get rid of it.


You don’t need your doctor to tell you you’re overweight. You know you are.


Don’t give it time to grow. Because it will.


Don’t give it time to have a cumulative long-lasting effect on your health. Because it will.

Slimcerely yours℠,

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