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Chaos breeds sloppiness, and in our experience with clients over many years, that sloppiness too often extends to one's food habits and other areas of life. For those who struggle with weight, clutter and chaos is a sure recipe for weight gain because clutter and disorganization often represents loss of control.

Disorganization in the kitchen, or home or in one's office environment can be especially problematic for overweight individuals.

Think of cleaning your kitchen, home and office as a "cleanse." You will see that when you clean up your environments, being disciplined with your eating habits will be easier.

"The Weight of Our Possessions" is a great article about how clutter could be affecting your waistline.

Which do you choose?

Obstacles are those frightful things you see
when you take your eyes off your goal.
~ Henry Ford

Obesity and Fall Risk for Seniors

Did you know that over the past 5 years, while obesity rates have increased in most age groups in the United States, the biggest rise has been in older adults?

Obesity in the O.R.--A Weighty Problem for Anesthesiologists

Obesity-related changes in anatomy have significant implications for obese patients requiring surgery and anesthesia.

Take a Puff, Lose a Pound

Can you believe that in the days before cigarette smoking was passé, tobacco companies actually marketed lighting up as a weight loss tool?!

Basic Lifestyle
Pan-Fried Sole with Cucumber Tomato Salsa

Intermediate Lifestyle
Pretzel Chicken With Honey Mustard Sauce

Advanced Lifestyle
Artichokes with Lemon Vinaigrette

Final Lifestyle
Mexican-Style Avocado Toasts

Stabilization & Maintenance
Portobello Mushroom Caps

We continue to add great recipes to our web site and Pinterest boards. Be sure to check out our latest two: Pretzel Chicken With Honey Mustard Sauce will not only pass the tests of taste, health and easy-to-make, but the kid test too! And, just in time for Cinco de Mayo, a super simple, fresh, and satisfying twist on toast with a little element of Mexican indulgence, the Mexican Style Avocado Toasts rock!

Alcohol and Weight Gain

What does alcohol have to do with weight gain? Everything!

Why Water?

Did you know that just a little over 2 cups of water increases the metabolic rate?

Oh, Crap.  I Forgot to Diet for Swimsuit Season!

So, what'll be for you this summer? ... a cover-up or a bathing suit? Here's a very funny article from the kingdom of Her Royal Thighness.

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